API reference
This API allows managing users, instances, and nodes. It requires an API key for all requests, which should be passed in the x-api-key header.
API Key:
- An API key is required for all endpoints. It ensures that the request is authenticated and authorized.
- Header: x-api-key
User Endpoints
GET | /api/users
- Retrieves a list of all users.
- Reponse:
- '200': List of users.
- '500': Error retrieving users.
POST | /api/getUser
- Retrieves a user by email or username.
- Request Body:
- 'type' (string): The search type, either 'email' or 'username'.
- 'value' (string): The email or username to search for.
- Response:
- '201': User details.
- '400': Missing or invalid parameters, or user not found.
- '500': Error retrieving user.
POST | /api/auth/create-user
- Creates a new user.
- Request Body:
- 'username' (string): Username of the new user.
- 'email' (string): Email of the new user.
- 'password' (string): Password for the new user.
- 'userId' (string, optional): User ID, generated if not provided.
- 'admin' (boolean, optional): Whether the user has admin rights.
- Response:
- '201': User created with details.
- '400': Missing required parameters.
- '409': User already exists.
- '500': Error creating user.
Instances Endpoints
GET | /api/instances
- Retrieves a list of all instances.
- Response:
- '200': List of instances.
- '500': Error retrieving instances.
POST | /api/instances/deploy
- Deploys a new instance.
- Request Body:
- 'image' (string): Image to deploy.
- 'memory' (string): Memory allocation.
- 'cpu' (string): CPU allocation.
- 'ports' (string): Port mapping.
- 'nodeId' (string): Node ID where the instance will be deployed.
- 'name' (string): Name of the instance.
- 'user' (string): User ID owning the instance.
- 'primary' (string): Primary port.
- 'variables' (json): Variable of image (Optional).
- Response:
- '201': Instance created.
- '400': Missing parameters.
- '500': Error deploying instance.
DELETE | /api/instance/delete
- Deletes an existing instance.
- Request Body:
- 'id' (string): ID of the instance to delete.
- Response:
- '201': Instance deleted.
- '400': Missing ID or instance not found.
- '500': Error deleting instance.
POST | /api/getUserInstance
- Retrieves instances owned by a specific user.
- Request Body:
- 'userId' (string): ID of the user.
- Response:
- '200': List of user instances.
- '400': Missing user ID or user not found.
- '500': Error retrieving user instances.
POST | /api/getInstance
- Retrieves details of a specific instance.
- Request Body:
- 'id' (string): ID of the instance.
- Response:
- '200': Instance details.
- '400': Missing instance ID or instance not found.
- '500': Error retrieving instance.
POST | /api/instances/unsuspend/:id
- Retrieves details of a specific instance.
- Request Body:
- 'id' (string): ID of the instance.
- Response:
- '200': Instance details.
- '400': Missing instance ID or instance not found.
- '500': Error retrieving instance.
POST | /api/instances/unsuspend/:id
- Retrieves details of a specific instance.
- Request Body:
- 'id' (string): ID of the instance.
- Response:
- '200': Instance details.
- '400': Missing instance ID or instance not found.
- '500': Error retrieving instance.
Images Endpoints
GET | /api/images
- Retrieves a list of available images.
- Response:
- '200': List of images.
- '500': Error retrieving images.
Nodes Endpoints
GET | /api/nodes
- Retrieves a list of all nodes
- Response:
- '200': List of nodes.
- '500': Error retrieving nodes.
POST | /api/nodes/create
- Creates a new node.
- Request Body:
- 'name' (string): Name of the node.
- 'tags' (string): Tags associated with the node.
- 'ram' (string): RAM specification.
- 'disk' (string): Disk specification.
- 'processor' (string): Processor specification.
- 'address' (string): Network address of the node.
- 'port' (string): Network port.
- Response:
- '201': Node created with details.
- '400': Missing parameters.
- '500': Error creating node.
DELETE | /api/nodes/delete
- Deletes an existing node.
- Request Body:
- 'nodeId' (string): ID of the node to delete.
- Response:
- '201': Node deleted.
- '400': Invalid or missing node ID.
- '500': Error deleting node.
Error Responses
- '400': Bad Request. The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served.
- '401': Unauthorized. API key is missing or invalid.
- '500': Internal Server Error. An error occurred on the server.